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This is a list of tools we frenquently use for various projects.

Dev environment

Node-only projects

For components libraries, SPA or any other app using only Node.js, we prefer to keep things simple by installing it directly on our machine using nvm. A .nvmrc file containing the appropriate Node.js version number should be present at the root of every project. Run nvm use in the project directory to switch the Node.js version.

Larger projects

They generally use Docker and include a dedicated front-end container. There are no ready-made solution for common front-end tools at the time of writing as it depends mostly on the back-end.

Components libraries

Fractal Starterkit Legacy

The Fractal Starterkit is a boilerplate to scaffold new components library documentation using Fractal and webpack.

Eleventy Design System WIP

Eleventy Design System is a home-made solution based on the static site generator Eleventy and designed to replace Fractal in the future.


Create Vue

When creating a new Single Page App with Vue.js, we favor the official Create Vue to generate the project foundations.


When a project requires a whole framework, we prefer Nuxt over others. But be sure to consider this option very carefuly as the past has shown us that it adds a lot of overhead to simple projects and makes large ones difficult to maintain in the long run.


For unit and integration testing, we use Vitest or Jest.

For end-to-end testing, we use Cypress.